Lunacia, the Axie homeland, is divided into tokenized plots of land which act as homes and bases of operation for their Axies. Plots can be upgraded over time using a variety of resources and crafting ingredients that can be found when playing the game.
In addition, land-owners might find AXS tokens on their land plots, or use the Axies that occupy the land plot to explore resource nodes on the map. When interacting with resources nodes Axies can find AXS and potentially other resources.
Axie Homeland
In December 2022, an Alpha of the land game was released titled: Axie Infinity: Homeland.
The alpha build contained these features:
Gathering and storing natural resourcess
Optimizing the task assignments and workflows of worker Axies for maximum efficiency.
Build ingstructures that enable storage, item production, and growth of a player's settlement
Craf ing supplies, weapons, armor, and items that aid native adventurers in their battles
Tradeing with both native Adventurers and other landowners for in-game currency
Arming native adventurers with the best equipment and send them into battle against waves of monsters
Show off creativity and style by designing and decorating land plots.
The World
Lunacia consists of 90,601 plots of Land. These Land plots are represented as Non-Fungible Tokens and can be freely traded by players.
Land Type | Player-owned | Total supply |
Savannah | 5327 | 22042 |
Forest | 5359 | 22025 |
Arctic | 4171 | 16537 |
Mystic | 2309 | 8264 |
Genesis | 75 | 220 |
Lunas Landing (Center) | 0* | 3501 |
Map (water, roads, resource nodes) | 0 | 18012 |
Total land | 17241 | 90601 |
Land gameplay is still being actively developed and will be released in phases.
Additional Resources
In December of 2020, we ran a 1 week land demo.
Land Dev Journal & Teaser (12/21)
Last Edited: 9/7/2023
Last updated